Covid-19 Update: Unpackaged at Planet Organic

All Planet Organic stores remain open for business, and we are incredibly grateful to the dedicated shop floor & head office staff who are providing such a valuable service to their communities, keeping us all fed & healthy. 

Please check for guidelines of how to shop safely in Planet stores during the Covid-19 outbreak. 

Unpackaged at Planet Organic is operational in the following stores:

·      Islington

·      Muswell Hill

·      Queen’s Park

The Unpackaged section is closed at Planet’s Westbourne Grove and Torrington Place stores.

All stores have implemented increased sanitising schedules to ensure the Unpackaged sections remain as safe as is possible to shop from.

At Islington, Muswell Hill and Queen’s Park you can still bring your own containers to refill, we just ask you to shop responsibly and not overstock - there is enough food for everyone if we do.  

We will update as needed, as and when the situation develops.

Best wishes & stay safe, 
Team Unpackaged. 

 Ps. Whilst you’re here you could:

- Sign up to the GoodSam app as a national NHS volunteer; or the British Red Cross’s community reserve volunteer schemes. 

- Donate a few bob to our friends at the Human Milk Foundation who are fundraising to keep milk flowing to vulnerable babies during the crisis

- Subscribe to the Big Issue for 3 months to help them to keep supporting their vendors who can’t sell their newspapers as usual – a hand up not a hand out, and it’s a great read!


Unpackaged joins forces with Cotswold Fayre to re-launch UnpackagedAT


Unpackaged help Abel and Cole to launch first-of-its-kind refill delivery service!